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My Art Journey.

Growing up I loved children’s books, not just for the stories - it was the illustrations that really drew me in. My job as a Primary School teacher provides me with a good excuse to continue buying children’s books and to keep expanding my collection. I think illustrators such as Quentin Blake, Beatrix Potter, E. H. Shepard, Arthur Rackham, Judith Kerr, Oliver Jeffers and many more have, consciously or subconsciously, had an influence on my style.

My first work experience was spent as an assistant in an illustration gallery in London. Once I had seen to my jobs for the day my boss would tell me I could go and look at the archives in the back. It was a treasure trove – I was never sure what I would discover next. The more works of art I saw in galleries and museums the more I wanted to learn about the stories behind them.

This led me to study Art History at Nottingham University. I then worked in London for a few years before going back to university at the School of Oriental and African Studies for an MA in Art History focussing on art from the East. After that I decided I wanted to share my love of art with others, this time not in a gallery but in a school’s Art Department.

I have been fortunate enough to travel to some incredible places and have always taken my sketchbook and watercolours with me to capture special moments. But it is only since I recently settled in North Devon that I have had enough time and inspiration to devote to my artwork, enabling me now to share it with you.

I draw inspiration from moments or places I want to hold on to and share with others – a glimpse of the world through my eyes. North Devon’s beautiful landscapes and coastline spoil me for choice in that respect. I hope that my paintings, my own ‘picture perfect’ moments, capture your interest too.

My Art Journey: Bio
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